Under the Radar 2006: "Showing" Digital Media
Live from the show...complete with American Idol-style text voting enabled by Mozes (cool, Andy!), Broadbandsports.com, Flukiest, Grouper and Tagworld presented in the first session of the Digital Media track. These companies focus on the "showing" of video and pictures. Stowe Boyd (panelist) highlighted a Burst Media statistic that 3 of 5 teenagers on social apps once a week and mentioned the end of traditional network broadcast. Other panelists included a representative from Adobe Systems/Macromedia's Corporate Development department since 1993 and Stephen Horowitz, Media Group at Yahoo!
Yahoo! launched a user-generated video upload service (currently free, like many others) on May 31, 2006. Mr. Horowitz talked about the previous fear of cannibalization, which has been a trend with the head content providers, and loss of broadcast revenue anxiety changing to a monetization-friendly model. No hints on how. This everything-is-free thing really makes me suspicious and scares me. I'm afraid that I'll place my media there and not be able to get it back out, archive it, etc. without paying or becoming dependent (i.e. have to go to login on top of the 50,000 other sites I log into each day, meaning that these companies won't release an API so that the eventual unified login technology happens).
I've been asking people at this show and vloggercon 1) where is the export button for these "free" service or do I lose control of my media and 2) where are the access levels for podcast and video production workflow, not JUST categorization or groups.
Yahoo! launched a user-generated video upload service (currently free, like many others) on May 31, 2006. Mr. Horowitz talked about the previous fear of cannibalization, which has been a trend with the head content providers, and loss of broadcast revenue anxiety changing to a monetization-friendly model. No hints on how. This everything-is-free thing really makes me suspicious and scares me. I'm afraid that I'll place my media there and not be able to get it back out, archive it, etc. without paying or becoming dependent (i.e. have to go to login on top of the 50,000 other sites I log into each day, meaning that these companies won't release an API so that the eventual unified login technology happens).
I've been asking people at this show and vloggercon 1) where is the export button for these "free" service or do I lose control of my media and 2) where are the access levels for podcast and video production workflow, not JUST categorization or groups.