"Messy and wonderful"
That is how Dan Gillmor charactizes the state of Citizen Media tonight at the Mid-Peninsula Community Media Center . The long-time blogger and ex-columnist for the San Jose Mercury News now runs the Center for Citizen Media . Dan touched on the history of the newspaper industry as an example of the changing landscape of journalism and said that for the past 40 years it has been dependent on monopolization. "It was previously bad business to annoy half of your audience." But the traditional journalism business models are quickly eroding. The product is no longer printed on presses that cost $50-75 million. The competition that previously existed in journalism is much less significant today than the present race for ad dollars. We are struggling to encourage local coverage, which is playing a very important role in the value of community knowledge. Investigative and in-depth reporting sites and those adding value to content like newassignment.net , Witness.org , and dotSUB.co...